Address: 5532 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, DC 20015
(202) 244-1949
It is very sad for us to say that our favorite Diner in Washington is closed now, it was a hard decision but was necessary.
After serving for more than 30 years, it’s time for us to close our all doors and say goodbye to American City Diner.
American City Diner is very close to lots of people’s hearts and we are grateful for all the love and support we have received in the span of more than 30 years.

We will always be grateful to Jeffrey Gildenhorn ( Founder & CEO, of American City Diner) who started this restaurant but it’s time for us to say goodbye to all the memories we created in the span of 30 years.
About American City Diner

American City Diner is the number 1 destination in DC for breakfast, here breakfast is served all day.
American City Diner serves lots of breakfast options, our best selling dishes are Cereals and muffins, Cream Chipped Beef on Toast, Pancakes with two eggs, Corned beef hash, Ham and Cheese omelette, Chicken omelette with cheddar, Old fashioned silver dollar pancakes, etc.
We have a penalty of drinks and fruits option as well, such as Fresh Orange juice, Apple Juice, Cranberry Juice, Half Grapefruit, Half Melon, Sliced Banana, Fresh Seasonal berries, etc.
All breakfasts items are served fresh and at a very affordable price rate.
About our Founder and CEO of American City Diner
Jeffrey N. Gildenhorn is a native-born Washingtonian, educated in the District of Columbia and resides in Ward 3.
Mr. Gildenhorn graduated from the Shepherd Elementary School, Paul Jr. High School, Calvin Coolidge High School (Ward 4), attended Bullis Preparatory School, and Georgetown University School of Business Administration and Foreign Service from 1961 to 1965.
Upon the death of his father in 1965, he took charge of the family’s retail liquor business (Circle Liquor Store) located in Chevy Chase, Washington, D.C. Subsequently, his business career propelled into Jeffrey Gildenhorn Enterprises which ultimately included 11 retail businesses.
In 1989 he made a bid to purchase the Atlanta Braves and move the team to Washington, D.C.
Jeffrey Gildenhorn has been recognized by the national and local media for his entrepreneurial acumen in the field of business.
He has been a guest lecturer at the American University and Georgetown University Schools of Business Administration.
He was appointed by Juneor Marion Barry to serve on the Board of Washington, DC local Development Corporation from 1984 to 1986, as well as receiving an award from the Juneor for Mr. Gildenhorn’s work with the local arts and humanities.
Mr. Gildenhorn has received national press coverage on his stand against apartheid by boycotting South African products from his businesses. He has carried this message throughout the National Restaurant Association of America.
Mr. Gildenhorn has been an active Democratic political supporter and fund-raiser: the Jimmy Carter Democratic Presidential candidacy; the Walter Mondale for President candidacy and the Bill Clinton Presidential candidacy.
Mr. Gildenhorn recognizes his responsibilities to the Washington DC community. He has donated his time, money and business establishments for charitable causes:
The Special Olympics, The March of Dimes, the Association of Catholic Charities, the DC Council of Churches, the DC Public Schools, the American Cancer Society.
Mr. Gildenhorn is a member of the Greater Washington Board of Trade and the D.C. Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Gildenhorn ran for Juneor of Washington DC in 1998
So it is concluded that American City Diner is permanently Closed.
So sad 😞 great memories taking my kids there , they loved the rides and gum ball machines . Always great breakfast!